Rupert Baker  
For all things green  
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Tree Consultancy, Surveys and Surgery

If you have a tree that you are concerned about, why not contact the professional – a consultant with the relevant skills, insurance and experience who can deal with all tree issues.

Development Surveys.
If you are considering building on or developing a piece of land – or extending your house – and there are trees nearby, the local authority planning officer will require a tree survey.  This has to be to the new British Standard: BS5837:2005 ‘Trees in relation to Construction’.
This requires a survey of the trees on site with a report and plans showing how they will be protected from development.  This is intended to take place before an architect has produced a layout for a site, so that the effect on trees is taken into account at the outset.
I am familiar with Local Authority planning systems, and trained and experienced in the production of such surveys.

Work to protected trees.
If you have a tree or trees within a Conservation Area, or protected by Tree Preservation Order (TPO), then you must notify or apply to the local planning authority before carrying out work to them.  I can make applications for tree work on your behalf.  As an ex 'tree officer' (arboricultural officer), I know how the system works, and can advise as to what proposals are likely to be approved by different authorities.

Tree Safety Surveys
I regularly carry out tree safety surveys for a range of clients, from individual landowners and householders, through large estates and commercial bodies, to local authorities.
I know a great deal about the various decay fungi and other pathogens of trees, together with structural problems that can arise on specimen trees.
I own and use a range of sophisticated 'Decay Detection' equipment, and am covered by insurance for inspections, report writing, and work.
I carry out climbing inspections and tree work in addition to tree surveys on the ground. When carrying out tree safety surveys I use the Quantified Tree Risk Assessment (QTRA) system, for which I am a trained and licensed user.

Please contact me to discuss your tree issues, for a quote, or any other query.

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